What we do
The Philadelphia Department of Prisons (PDP) provides a secure correctional environment to detain people accused or convicted of illegal acts. The PDP operates four facilities:
Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility (CFCF)
The Detention Center (DC)
Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center (PICC)
Riverside Correctional Facility (RCF)
To prepare incarcerated people for successful re-entry after their release, we also offer the following programs and services:
To prepare incarcerated people for successful re-entry after their release, we also offer the following programs and services:
How families and friends can have virtual visits with Philadelphia Department of Prisons inmates
Although in-person visits are still not permitted due to the COVID-19 crisis, we are pleased to announce that on December 15, video visits will be an available option for Philadelphia Department of Prisons inmates and their family and friends.
Using the video visitation app, Getting Out, these visits can be accessed on all devices including mobile phones.
Inmates are permitted to add up to 5 email addresses to their video call list in addition to the 5 phone numbers they may have on their phone call list.
Video visitation will provide each participant two, free fifteen-minute video calls each week.
Beyond the two free weekly video visits, PDP inmates will also be able to purchase an additional 30 minutes of video call time.
The cost is $.25 cents per minute, or $7.50 for 30 minutes per video call.
They will only be charged for the minutes that are used.
PDP inmates will continue to receive 15 minutes of free phone calls every day – an additional 5 minutes of calls were added for free, at the onset of the pandemic. In February, we will return to the past practice of providing inmates with 10 minutes of free phone calls per day.
It is our hope that these calls will lessen the distance and uncertainty for both inmates and their loved ones during this time of crisis.
Learn about the facilities operated by the Philadelphia Department of Prisons (PDP).
Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility (CFCF)
About the facility
The Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility opened in 1995. CFCF consists of four housing buildings and an administration building. It is the largest PDP facility.
The facility is named in honor of Warden Patrick N. Curran and Deputy Warden Robert F. Fromhold. Curran and Fromhold were killed at Holmesburg Prison on May 31, 1973. They are the only PDP staff known to have been killed in the line of duty.
Contact and visiting information
Curran-Fromhold Correctional Center
7901 State Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19136
(215) 685-7843
Learn about visiting hours at CFCF and how to visit an inmate.
Detention Center (DC)
About the facility
The Detention Center opened in 1963. It replaced the defunct Moyamensing Prison as the intake center for the Philadelphia Department of Prisons. The Detention Center served as the PDP’s male intake center until 1995.
The Detention Center is PDP’s medical unit. It houses inmates who require medical and behavioral health inpatient treatment. The center includes four dormitories, three cellblocks, and a 99-bed Prison Health Services Wing.
Contact and visiting information
Detention Center
8201 State Road
Philadelphia, PA 19136
(215) 685-8436
Learn about visiting hours at DC and how to visit an inmate.
Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center (PICC)
About the facility
Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center opened in 1986. It was the first PDP facility built to use unit management. Unit management divides the inmate population into more manageable groups.
PICC has 13 housing units. Each has a yard, laundry facilities, medical triage areas, counseling rooms, and staff offices. The units have easy access to classrooms, vocational training areas, law libraries, and chapels. Today, PICC houses adult men.
Contact and visiting information
Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center
8301 State Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19136
(215) 685-7100
Learn about visiting hours at PICC and how to visit an inmate.
Riverside Correctional Facility (RCF)
About the facility
The Riverside Correctional Facility opened in June 2004. The facility houses female incarcerated people.
The facility is three stories. Each floor includes a recreation area, dispensary, multipurpose area, and food-delivery area. The facility includes:
Administrative and staff offices.
Classrooms for educational, computer, and vocational training,
An intake and discharge area.
A gymnasium.
Areas for medical and behavioral health treatment.
Social service areas.
Law and leisure libraries.
Contact and visiting information
Riverside Correctional Facility
8151 State Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19136
(215) 685-6911
Learn about visiting hours at RCF and how to visit an inmate.