8 Things to Look For When Choosing a Bail Bonds Company
What To Look For When Choosing a Bail Bonds Company
Choosing wisely when deciding on a bail bond company can make an enormous difference in the overall experience you will have going through the process of obtaining the bond and working with the bail bondsman to have your loved one released from jail.
Therefore, before you go forward with posting the bond amount, educate yourself on the options of bail bond companies in your area, so you can make the most informed choice. Here are the important things to look for to help you select the best Utah bail bonds company to work with:
Amount of Bail
There are cases in which it is better to wait until after the arraignment to have someone released from jail because the bail amount can change:
The defendant’s lawyer may be able to successfully reason with the judge that a reduction of the bail amount is appropriate, which could result in a smaller fee for the bail bond that you will need to pay based on the amount of bail.
Or, personal advocates for the defendant can often succeed in convincing a judge that a reduced bail amount is not going to cause a problem.
Depending upon circumstances, a judge may decide to release a person on his or her own recognizance. If that happens, then you may not need a bail bond at all.
Additionally, when the judge sets the bail amount, the court is likely to provide a list of reputable local bail bonds companies that the court routinely works with and recommends.
Amount of Bond Fee
A bail bonds company typically charges around a 10 percent fee for its services in posting bail on behalf of the defendant. This means that you will only need to pay the bail bond fee, instead of the comparatively large amount of the bail set by the court, in order to have your loved one released from jail awaiting trial. Do a little research to identify the bail bonds companies that offer fair bail bond fee rates.
Bond Company Fee Structure
Some companies may appear to offer a bail bond fee structure that is so cheap that they don’t even compare with the majority of others. If the rate being offered is unusually low, for example, as low as 4 or 5 percent, you may be encountering an inexperienced bail bondsman or a disreputable one. There may be a company that is using deceptive, illegal advertising.
Reviews By Users
Do a web search for review before you decide to use a bail bonds company. Some companies post a link to their online reviews, for your convenience. Take time to read what people who have already used the bail bond company have to say about their experience. This is the best resource for meaningful recommendations because they’re from people who went through the same situation you’re in, so they have first-hand knowledge of how well the bail bonds company performs in that kind of circumstance.
Bail Bond Agencies vs. Individual Bondsmen
There are bail bond services operated by just one or two people, vs. a well-established bail bond agency. Typically, you can expect a better overall value in working with a bail bond agency that enables you to take full advantage of their broader resources. The agency maintains your information in complete confidentiality and can handle your case with generally greater efficiency, making the experience smoother, simpler, and faster.
In addition to more trouble-free performance, reputable agencies are familiar to the court clerks and attorneys. Most importantly, the best bail bond agency normally can be expected to have a professional available at all times to receive your request for help getting a bail bond and execute the process. By contrast, smaller bail bonds companies with only one or two bail agents may not be able to be reached or might not complete the process for you or your loved one within the necessary timeframe.
Detention Officers
Duty officers at the jail are familiar with the local bail bonds companies, and they know which ones are the most reliable and overall best bail bondsmen to deal with. The officers can also suggest a lower amount of bail. Altogether, the detention officers are very good acquaintances to have. So, reach out and make an effort to develop a positive rapport with them and ask for their recommendations of bail bonds companies. They can also help you later on in court when you or your loved one need their positive input.
Attorney Referrals
Bail bonds companies that work closely with defense attorneys build a strong reputation for high-quality work. So, look for those your lawyer refers to. The bail bond price can be reduced by a couple of percents, to help you save money. You or your loved one will need a criminal defense attorney to handle the case through the trial, so it can be best to go ahead and hire one prior to posting bail. That way, you can use the referral your attorney provides to choose your bail bonds company, and you can be confident that you are getting a reputable bail bondsman, instead of a potentially questionable one.
Using the checklist above, and following all the suggestions can help you get through your difficult situation much more easily when looking for a bail bonds company. It really only takes a few quick phone calls for a few minutes each, to gather all the information you need to make the best decision. There’s a lot at stake, so you really can’t afford not to take the time to get it right when it comes to getting a smart arrangement on the bail bond.